Undergraduate Business

Undergraduate Business

If you have ambitious plans for a career in business, the UK is the best possible place to get the knowledge, skills and instincts in order to achieve your goals. Our business departments have excellent relationships with local firms and big brands, which will give you not only industry insights and connections but also work experience where you will be able to apply what you learn. Join this webinar to find out what it means to be a UK business graduate directly from the experts of top UK universities and business schools.

Dr Panagiotis Hahamis
Dr Panagiotis Hahamis
Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Management at University of Westminster
Alexandra Pearson
Alexandra Pearson
Senior Lecturer in Management at University of Sussex
Katharina Giesecke
Katharina Giesecke
Enrollment Director at Hult Business School
Maria Tsakali
Maria Tsakali
Head of Education, British Council Greece
Katerina Fegarou,  Education Marketing Manager, British Council Greece
Katerina Fegarou, Education Marketing Manager, British Council Greece
Katerina completed her tertiary education in the UK (holds a BA in Political Economy and MSc in Economics / Business Strategy). She joined the British Council Greece in 1997 and since then she has been dedicated in the promotion of the British education. Areas of her expertise are the British and Greek education markets and related policies, the provision of Trans-National education, the recognition of UK qualifications. Katerina oversees the relationship with the UK education counsellors and alumni associations in Greece.