Studying in the UK: where do I start?

Studying in the UK: where do I start?

Thinking about applying to study in the UK but not sure where to begin? These videos offer thoughts from European students who have chosen the UK as well as information on what makes a UK education stand out.

Do you want to do a bachelor's degree in the UK? Join us for your expert guide, from applications through UCAS to graduation.
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A warm welcome is waiting for you in the UK! In our first session, we speak with European students to bring you their insider tips about arrival in the UK, university life and culture, studying during the pandemic, vaccination for students… and any other questions you may want to ask.
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You’re thinking about studying abroad – a big decision! In this session you will hear what makes a UK degree different and special. Discover the UK’s innovative teaching methods, learning through small discussion groups and amazing placements in industry. You can take special degrees in niche areas or mix the subjects you love to form your very own degree.
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Croeso i Gymru! Welcome to Wales! One of the four countries of the UK, Wales and its universities have a lot to offer students. Discover Wales from the point of view of an international student and hear about some amazing Wales-only support and mobility offers.
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Scotland is renowned for hosting some of the UK’s most innovative universities, responsible for world-changing discoveries in engineering, science and medicine. To listen to Scottish universities and students, register here.
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Join this session which marks the beginning of our February 2022 Study UK Europe event. Find out what webinars are in store over the next two weeks and how to make the most of the event. Hear from the British Council about what a UK higher education can offer you. You’ll also hear accounts from two European alumni of UK higher education institutions who will share their experiences of studying in the UK.
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What clothes should I pack? What does ‘undergraduate’ mean? Do I need an interview to study in the UK? From the very basic to the most complex questions, our panel of British Council staff, university representatives and UK students are ready and willing to answer them.
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With over 400 study options for HE, the UK is a diverse study destination. This session is your unique opportunity to hear first-hand from UK university leaders. Students and university leaders will discuss what is special about student education, life and culture in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
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